yet another day

By yetanotherday

1st January 2012

Happy New Year Everyone...

Today's the day when people make New Year's resolutions which, if they are lucky, they will keep until February. I never make them, as I'm sure that I wouldn't even last past the first week of January :)

I do however have a few aims / hopes for 2012...

That my daughter will continue to study hard and get the GCSE results that she is hoping for.

That my son finally settles on GCSE options that he is happy with.

That we manage to get all the planned work for our house for this year completed and that it doesn't drag into next year.

That I get to have a girlie holiday with my daughter after her exams.

That I learn to ignore certain relatives who are all take and no give and to not get wound up by them.

That my mum's health problems finally get sorted.

That we spend next New Year away somewhere.

I would also say 'to eat less chocolate', but we've been given so much for Christmas we'll still be eating it in the spring. It's a good job I don't put on weight :)

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