Happy New Year

So that was 2011, they say life is a journey and then also a rollercoaster... 2011 has been a journey on a bloody great rollercoaster!

I think I can quite safely say that 2011 has been the best and worst of years, so many positives, finally moving house, moving office, lots of music and then of course the massive loss that was the death of our friend Ian in the summer.

I have learnt more about love and friendship since August 16th than in the 42 years and 363 days before it. I've never really had to deal with the loss of someone I was close to before and I can honestly say it completely floored me (and H), but the support we got from so many people was utterly overwhelming.. Really shows what good hearts people have, thankyou.

Anyway in spite of a couple of very nice invitations H and I decided to get away to London. Taking a room at our favorite hotel, enjoying a fine dinner and then spending a little quality time together with 250,000 other people on embankment as the year rolled over. Amazing fireworks and so many people...

I truly hope that 2012 is a fantastic year for each and every one of you.


PS H has just said I look a little cross, I wasn't I was trying to control my wayward eyebrow!

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