A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC

Today's the Day!

Happy New Year everyone!
Oh woe is me!!!!I have managed to get a little bit behind already.Not the best foot to start 2012 on but hopefully I will be excused.
Yesterday was a perfect day, good food, good company and good entertainment.We crossed paths with Odin's wolves prowling around the streets ,Heimdall riding on his white stallion and Black elves lurking at every street corner .We left before the firework display to get back home to mum, who didn't accompany us. Managed to take load of photos of the Winter Carnival but unfortunately, they are wrongly dated.
This is the only shot I can add today, apart from perhaps the ones taken of family members (including the dogs!) lolling around on the settees, after eating way too much, yet again, at the dinner table.It is part of a display created by local North East children, using fabrics, paints, glitter, pebbles, shells, infact anything that might suggest 'The Sea. 'I believe this is silk screen painting, correct me if I am wrong! Straight away, it made me think of Leo and Scott, who would be at sea at the time.
Bang on Midnight, we received a message from Lisey and Mikey who were heading out to bring the New Year in at Webster Hall in NYC.Leo and Scott Skyped earlier in the evening,in the half hour they had on dry land due to an outbreak of Nora Virus on board.Poor kids were called upon to disinfect the communal areas of the ship before disembarking.
A friend of Leo's passed on some information about the routine he used to follow on New Years Eve while at sea and I duly passed this on to Leo.He said
"The only thing I will miss about New Year's Eve on a ship is at 11.50pm I would stand at the aft end looking out into the darkness and the ships wake closing my thoughts of the year we were leaving behind. THEN 11.58pm would make my way to the front of the ship, looking up to the starry sky whilst we moved forward into the New Year."
What a lovely idea.Let's hope they managed to follow his tradition.

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