Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom


A new second digit for all my file names! How exciting. Gone are the days of 11xxxx, bring on the year of 12xxxx.

Is everyone beginning to think about their new years resolutions? Last year I decided to stop illegally downloading any music, and successfully managed to do this, but had extremely flexible rules that still meant I borrow music off friends. It still greatly reduced the amount of crap I was downloading whilst making me appreciate the act of purchasing music again.

This year I haven't yet thought of a new years resolution. I generally feel them to be a silly idea anyway - any time is the right time to start a new hobby or change a habit. However, seeing as the end of the year is a good time to reflect on the past year and think about what you'd like to change, I still give it some thought.

An extremely concrete, easy to follow resolution like 'no more illegal downloading' is much better than a 'go to the gym more' one. Without structure and obvious plans to follow, what's the point?


Actually, thinking about it, I'm gonna start a diary. Get a nice moleskine and write something every day. I read about a think called 'morning pages' earlier today, on my daily trawl across a few favourite web sites of mine, and thought it sounded like quite a nice idea

I could make blip less personal, just tracking what I do, leaving my musings to myself, or I could make blip purely about good obvservations (which I think the best journals on here day) and leave the tracking of my days to a simple diary. My dad did that for years and years, and I love that still has them and can look back on any day and what he did with ease.


Not much of a hangover - a lazy day in the house with Adam and mum.

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