Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

An explosion of light.

Mags, Lynn and I saw in the bells with Primal Scream in the Gardens. I realise that this isn't a very good photo of the band, but I just liked it!

We were most sensibly right at the top of the very slippery hill - with all the rain yesterday and today the gardens were pretty much just a big mud slide - holding fast to the barriers and trying to lend helping hand as folk slid about and fell over in front of us! Was a good gig though and very cool to hear lots of Screamadelica.

Unfortunately I missed my favourite song after taking a bit of a turn watching the fireworks and not feeling too good. May have been something to do with mixing flu pills with vodka and tonic... Possibly not the best plan. Still, my cough and temperature died down enough to get there, and I soon felt much better again and enjoyed the rest of the show!

Afterwards M and I joined my siblings and pals at Fishers for a couple of New Years drinks which was very lovely indeed.

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