is photographs

By isphotographs

Party's Over :: in absentia

...that awkward, sinking feeling when the holiday has gone on long enough. Can't finish your last drink and besides, your glass is not just half-empty, someone's only gone and filled it with meltwater. Or worse.

Sadly the end-of-the-party/morning after the night before feeling is compounded as my team got no less than they deserve in the New Year derby.

By rights I should be in Edinburgh today, but there are several reasons that my seat at Easter Road was empty this afternoon, the weather is perhaps the most convincing excuse I can offer. Odd to watch a derby on TV rather than take part, but sure enough it still finishes with the same familiar bitter taste of disappointment in my mouth. I'd rather drink last night's dregs. Even from 130 miles North, it looks like a long, bleak year ahead, and the big drop beckons. Brrrr.

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