
By marshland

Happy New Year

I spent the day with family friends, enjoying a new years day party at their house. We played lots of games and ate some scrummy food! Me and Libby had a fantastic time playing with the three dogs. I just love going to their house and time just flies by because we have so much fun. I can't wait until next year already!

While we were there we downloaded some photo editing software that was free from the apple app store (snapseed). We've been playing around with it having great fun. This is a picture of me with one of the dogs, Lillie, sat next to me on the couch. She is a jet black Labrador and is gorgeous. I know she is still a little dark in this picture, but I quite liked it because it was different.

I hope you all had fun welcoming in the new year. Happy New Year to everyone on blip. I hope that it is your best year yet x

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