Two - Seven

8:30am and playing with the weeWeir in her room. Lights out, curtains open but it's still a bit gloomy outside so the wind-up torch is on.

We are reading The Lion King.

Well, I am.

Actually, I'm writing this at the other end of the day, which has seen lots of playing, toys, games, books and even some Wii fun too.

The New-Year-marking dinner with Mrs theWeir's family was it's usual mix of chaos and laughter too.

I'm pretty sure an early night is ahead for me... it seems that my body clock is getting ready for the impending return to work. Two sleeps to go.


LEDs are amazing things. As are rechargeable batteries. And plastic. And mass-production.

Although, let's not consider the factory where this was probably put together. Or the conditions for the workforce. Or the waste management systems in place. Or the sourcing of elements to make the components.

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