Views, vistas and visions

By alands

Day six: Hué

Arrived in Hué today (which is day six, and yesterday should have been day five; I'm a lawyer and so only practise counting once a month on feeing day so a but rusty on this strange 1-2-3 business) after return trip from Halong Bay. As you'd imagine the traffic in the rain even more lively than when can actually see other vehicles etc. Then afternoon in damp Hanoi, and late flight here.

Hué looks rather pleasant, and the hotel (of which this is a poorly shot part of the grounds - back to Mr Lumix tomorrow, God willing) even more so. Arrived after dark so no other impressions yet. Probably a tour round the Imperial tombs outside town tomorrow, and Citadel/town Wednesday. Certainly need to make up for the giant nap experience of last few days or may have paid a great deal of money for some admittedly excellent shut-eye.

Many amusing things happened today and some great anecdotes. I assume. Just can't really remember any.

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