Joyful Reaper

By Joyful

Train Wreck

Went walking down by the train tracks this evening and was lucky enough to be there when I could hear the train comming. I hurried to the old crossing where I knew I'd get a good chance for an exciting blip of a moving train. When I got there some guys were already waiting on the other side of the tracks and we waited while the train poked along towards us. The locomotive was pulling only 5 or 6 cars and going so slowly that I was able to take 5 exposures before it passed (with no caboose). Well, there goes exciting, blurred pictures of a "speeding train".
As I turned to walk away the 4 guys on the other side walked toward the track and began inspecting the rail like it was imbedded with diamonds. Then it struck me-these guys had put coins on the track and now they were looking for their prizes. I had done the same thing as a little kid-gradeschool-but the sight of these adults gave me a smile.

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