It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab


Wow, today has been soooooooo windy. When we woke up with didn't think that we would be going anywhere today as it was so wet and windy. Daddy took me on a boring short lead walk and then it was home for boring housework and taking down the decorations with mum :-( (I was VERY helpful as you can imagine!)

Then, this afternoon the sun came out! so we jumped in the car and went to my favourite beach with no sea for a walk. Well actually it was more of a blow along the beach! Mum could actually put her arms out wide and lean into the wind!! It was crazeeeeee!

I had a FANTASTIC time chasing my ball as you can see. As I ran through the pools the spray was blowing sideways away from me and my ball was blowing miles down the beach for me to chase. Mum couldn't have her camera out for long and a lot of the shots were blurry as she kept getting blown sideways just as she pressed the shutter button! I was dying to see her get blown over in the mud *giggle*

I felt crazeeeeee with the wind. You can see some crazeeeee pictures of me here!.

Also I think I might be best viewed running LARGE. Try it!!

I hope all my blip friends have stayed safe today, especially the ones in Scotland.

Bye for now
Lily xxx

ps you might be interested to hear that I had not one but four poops this morning, because I was pooping pure wood pellet cat litter after yesterday's antics *giggle*

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