Mr Smith

By MrSmith

Das is Porn.

I'm not saying that she likes to be kept busy, or that she's a bit restless but after Mrs Smith had tired of being an award winning copywriter and before she had three children and then became a jewellery designer and retailer she had a few books published. Rude Books. Or as the publisher would have it "erotic fiction written by women, for women".

This one was called Palazzo originally and graphically details the adventures of the female head of an Edinburgh advertising agency as she spends some time in Venice. My favourite was one of her others which was set in Scotland at the time of Mary Queen of Scots but that's now out of print.

Palazzo however keeps on going and today, out of the blue, Jan received the latest version to be translated into German. This is the second reprint of the German edition so they must have a thing for Edinburgh advertising girls going bad in Italy. As you can see it's not called Palazzo anymore and I think it translates as Palace of Sin (?)

It must be a bit like writing a song, the royalties keep trickling in years and years after you let it out into the world. Hopefully there's still lots of ladies in Germany want to read this and that aren't put off by the photo of the guy on the cover who looks like he's never seen a woman before!

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