
By shy

Serious Discussions...

Three of the cygnets are having a discussion about the event of the day as I have the painful duty to report that the famous five cygnets are now down to four.
It seems that the local maurauding hungry fox has had it away with one of the siblings. When I saw them this morning, the remaining four were huddled very closely on the side of the pond with the parents flanking them on both sides. Sometimes, natutre can be very harsh.

You may have noticed that I've not been posting recently - mainly because it's so damn frenetic at work making the time to take photographs rather limited. The construction industry in the UK has all but collapsed, and we're right in the thick of it. We obviously saw this coming, and the Blackcountry Man has been keeping you abreast of the measures we have already taken. I sometimes find myself smiling at the way the news people seem surprised at this recent turn of events since most of us realised the potential severity of the situation at the back end of last year. We have been making plans to weather a recession since January and may have to batten down the hatches for 3 years..

I also managed to cut my toe this morning on a broken cup. It's a deep gash, and it took 20 minutes to stop bleeding. I didn't have any plasters in the house so I made do by making a temporary bandage out of an old vest until I could get to work. I went to the office first aid box to find a huge triangular bangage and a tube of ointment. Apparently it is illegal to have plasters (band-aids) in an office first-aid box due to health and safety reasons.
The whole frigging world has gone mad.

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