All quiet now...

Woke about 5am this morning with the rafters shaking...there was an amber alert yesterday for high winds...this was elevated to a red alert about 8am this morning.

The winds this morning were much worse than those we experienced just under a month ago...much, much, worse it was really scary this morning.

I kept asking Mr R how he could just lie there sleeping...although nor sure what I wanted him to do:-/

Despite all the furore we emerged relatively unscathed...few tiles roof box tossed around the garden and the dustbin at the back of the house rather than the side.

Grandpa had had an overnight with my sister & BIL in Ayrshire and we were to drive down and bring him home today. The high winds delayed our journey a bit but we set off late afternoon and had a fairly decent journey down and you can see the roads were quiet...and Mr R was driving just incase you thought I was multi-tasking;-)

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