A wonderful treat!

A great thing happened today at the yarn shop on 25th Street. As I came out of the office, a lady said, "That must be Randy." She then introduced herself as spcooke, aka Slice of my Life from blipfoto. She grew up around this area, but moved to Bend, Oregon quite a few years ago, and her mother still lives here, as well as having four children living in Utah. She comes to visit often, and being a knitter, she has visited the yarn shop many times.

It was such a nice surprise and such a treat to get to meet someone whom I've followed and become friends with on Blipfoto. I've followed her journal almost since she joined. We visited for about an hour and really had a good time. Come to find out, I knew her grandparents and her father, and also her husband's father. What a small world it is.

And, what a wonderful part of the world Blipfoto is. The nicest people reside here, and I have formed some great friendships with people whom I've never met. It's a wonderful place to hang out. And, now to get to meet someone I've followed for some time...it doesn't get any better than that!

Shown in the photo, l to r, is spcooke's mother, myself, and spcooke.

Thank you so much, Slice of my Life. You really made my day!

And, thanks to all of you out there!

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