inverted wishes

A swimmingly day except for a couple of minor issues: the window-fixing man arrived on time and listened to the instructions (don't build a replacement windowsill and lock the door on your way out then post the keys back through the letterbox) but then chose to interpreted them in a more creative manner than we had anticipated by building a replacement windowsill (albeit one too weak to support anything heavier than a tiny pot of supermarket basil) and by taking the keys with him to give to the painter tomorrow but completely failing to lock either door on his way out. Fuckwit. Luckily no-one had noticed but it's still not a very pleasant feeling when the key in the lock cannot go any further anticlockwise upon insertion. If he doesn't fix the windowsill properly tomorrow pop back to find out who not to hire if you want your windows fixing. Were I inclined towards mistrust I might even suspect him of having something to do with the complete absence of any fresh deliveries of things ordered from the internet which are taking their time about arriving though the Royal Mail are perfectly capable of bollocksing things up all by themselves without assistance from window-fixing joiners.

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