A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

Manchester in the rain.


At Christmas I decided to invest in blipfoto calendars for my mum and my brothers.
I was pleasantly surprised with the printed results - not that I doubted how well they'd be produced, I've just not seen any of my own photos printed before.

So a few days ago I decided to order some prints online through Jessops, mainly because I could call in store and collect them.
Nothing fancy, just fourteen photos that I've chosen as blips, all printed at about 9" x 6".

Collected them in Manchester at lunchtime today, very happy with the results, they've helped reaffirm my own view on the photos I take. All the very welcome positive comments on here can't sometimes shake my own feeling that I could have done better. As some of you will know, I am regularly happy with the photos I take.

I took this on my quick walk through Manchester to collect them.

There's another blipfolio entry HERE as well, this blip just edged out the blipfolio entry in my choice for today.


EDIT: This isn't an attempt by me to curry favour and gather compliments, just letting off a bit of steam.

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