Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


Today he had baby cereal for breakfast. It didn't go down very well as you can see, he was more interested in wiping it round his face and over the high chair tray. We mixed it with mashed pear yesterday which he wolfed down so I think I'll have to do that in future.

Last night he slept from 8.30-6 which has never happened before! I woke at 11, when he usually feeds, but he was fast asleep cuddling jellycat so I left him alone. I woke again at 3.30 feeling like my boobs were going to explode, and I managed to pick him up from his cot gently and feed him without waking him up. At 6 I thought he was awake for the day because he was chatting and seemed wide awake, but after a feed he went back to sleep for almost another hour.

It would be nice to have similar again tonight but I'm not getting my hopes up!

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