
By blowfish


Met up with Stef at DU so we could grab brunch at Devil's Food on South Gaylord near Wash Park. She picked up the tab and it was so nice to just have some time with her; she also bought me a college sweatshirt and gave me a new water bottle--thanks Piffy! Also, got to see her office at the law school (private universities are amazing!) but didn't get to meet her boss, who is actually John Cheever's son, which is pretty cool.

After all of that, I decided on a whim to head over to my old lightrail station at Evans--the prices have really gone up but the commuter rail system here is one of the best in the country, so I don't mind supporting it at all (the fact that parking costs in the city are ridiculous helps the justification for my paying for public transportation too). So, headed into downtown and had a wonderful walk (it was an uncharacteristically 60 degrees; yes, it's January in the Rockies). Treated myself to a stout at Denver's oldest brewpub (which was started by our former-mayor-now-Governor, John Hickenlooper) and just shot a shitload of pictures: so many outtakes it needed its own Blipfolio album.

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