Jens Pics of the Day

By JayEss

Finally Some Sun

Todays Blip was taken on the morning dog walk, the first one in a while where we haven't been buffeted, soaked or freezing, so it was a pleasant change. Molly didn't really want to sit for this because we hadn't been on this path in a while and there was lots she needed to sniff.
When she was younger we would walk the length of it and beyond, but now she has arthritis and we can only do 20-30 mins at a time, its a shorter one. She turns back when she has had enough, although today after the stopping to sniff and investigate we didn't get as far as normal.

I had a conversation with a man, who I don't know but seemed to think he knew me, I am assuming he thought he recognised Molly, as most people I meet on dog walks I only know by the dog. He was very pleased becasue his snowdrops were beginning to come through already.

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