Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

Hello Bash!

We found out today that Boo will be having a brother. I think we'll call him bash for now, seeing as he does rather a lot of bashing about at the moment! Boo is thrilled, as he had said that he would like a brother. He keeps telling me to 'get him out, Mummy! I want to play with him!', I respond by gently telling Boo that Bash is not big enough to come out yet - he needs lots more food from Mummy to make him big and strong. Boo then tries his hardest to feed me as much as possible, bringing me lots of snacks and even trying to share his dinner with me 'for baby', so that he can get 'bigger and bigger and come out'. Boo has also decided that he is growing a girl in his tummy. It's all very sweet.

*edit* Turns out this is my 300th blip and it totally passed me by - what a fitting day for a red balloon!

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