Best Laid Plans

It had been planned for weeks, many many weeks. Getting a day when neither of us were working, when others were able to look after all the children, when we could actually have a day to ourselves was no simple task. But we got there, Tuesday 3rd January it was to be. Lunch and shopping in town was the plan, there was to be wine too, obviously! Oh and probably cocktails.

The weather however had other ideas.

Roads closed, power failures, bridges all shut, trees EVERYWHERE, trains off.
I was not amused. Not one little bit.
I didn't think I was asking much, just a child free, girlie day with my friend of 30 years.

Eventually, 7 hours later than planned I got there, well not into town for shopping & lunch, it was far too late for that but I did get to NotNigella's house. We settled for some beers, a take away, lots of rioja and chatted til the early hours.

We'll need to try to have that child free lunch another time.

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