Dear Heart

By dearheart

Keep Smiling, Keep Shining

Dear Heart,
Today's challenge had Chloe, Tilly and I quoting the film Bridesmaids and singing the somewhat-tone-deaf revival of "Keep Smiling" that two of the characters attempt. Unfortunately, I wasn't too keen on even getting out of bed today. Mornings like that remind me that the blues never quite leave you alone, no matter how well you're doing.
But, get up I did, and after pretending to work for a few hours, I joined my family for a walk in the Gnoll. They are the people who make me smile the most.
Spotting this little guy midway around the lake made me positively beam. I seem to be always seeing squirrels and never quite managing to snap a picture of them. Today made a welcome change!
Love, Lydia x
P.S. I don't know when this New Year Revolution turned into a video project, but I've made another.
P.P.S. I've painted my nails a lovely, curative shade called "Piccadilly Circus". I'm sure you won't care, but I thought the name was absolutely lovely, so...

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