Hacking River

Big day today. We left Sydney late morning and took a somewhat inadvertent tour of some suburbs before heading to Botany Bay - we went through the longest tunnel I've ever been through that ran under parts of the city and then through another that runs under the runway. Wow, that's impressive engineering.

We stopped at Botany bay and photographed some kiteboarders getting some serious air on their boards and then hit the road again.

We took the scenic route to Wollongong and stopped at Hacking River just because it looked so beautiful. Gorgeous place. There I watched swamp hens (pukekos) building nests in the reeds which was something I've never seen before. I photographed a fairy wren - but didn't have my big lens on so that was rather unsuccessful, and then we had a cup of coffee and a brownie which we were forced to share with the cockatoos that mobbed us.

It was hard dragging ourselves away from there but we did eventually make it to Wollongong, although on the way Teacherlady refused to stop at Fairy Meadow to see the faeries. She insists that it's just a suburb name and there are none there but I'm sure she's wrong - after all why else would they call it that? So my blip would have been a faerie except ....

A quick rush to blip and now we are off out for tea. I will put a couple of other photos from the day in my blipfolio later.

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