the edges of my life

By raej

Whose poverty?

I went to this hospital because in expat terms I am not wealthy - I work for a charity not a big corporation -I can't afford the flash hospitals that cater to foreigners - I left today aching all over - body a pincushion from injections and bruised from sleeping on a wooden cot covered with a thin mat of woven bamboo - but I was treated like royalty and medical standards were high - elsewhere in this hospital people sit in freezing cold rooms, some sharing 'beds' - poverty is very real here - I just wish I could do something to help......
They videod my operation and me talking about the quality of care I received but it's not enough - too much needs fixing in this world - I guess I need to go back to my mantra - pick one fight, one battle and make a difference there - can't do it all but can make a difference in baby steps :)

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