I spy . . .

By Kitkat

Good Wine Bad thoughts

I love eating at Pizza Express and nothing nicer is sharing the experience with girlfriends.

Lovely wine but delivered in a bizzare set up .. so large glass empty and full mini vase? Carafe? Jug? with wine was brought to the table. Why didn't they just pour the wine in the glass, that saves them some some washing up??

But then here is the bad thought .. I them came round to the idea that this is actually quite cute and its all about presentation and how lovely this would look at home at the next dinner party .. but I don have any of these carafe things so DILEMMA - do i ask to buy it? look in Ikea for equivalent to PUT IT IN MY HANDBAG!!!!!!!

I know shock horror I hear you cry! Moi I would do such a thing? Well you'll be pleased to know I didn't take it.

..... I just thought about it ....

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