In Between Days

By jase


I went for a walk at lunchtime. It's got to be better than sitting at my desk. I wandered through the university and headed along the top of Woodhouse Moor. I used to work at the University. Some of it has changed loads and some of it is exactly as I remember. Passed the very narrow backstreet where I used to park the white Fiat Uno. Parking near the university was bad then. Its impossible now. Many more students now have cars.

This evening we watched the first movie of the last Harry Potter book. It's a lot darker than the other films. You can usually rely on Ron to lighten the mood but not any more. Louis wasn't that interested so he played Mario with the headphones on. It was difficult to get annoyed with his regular interrupting as he was so cute. He's made it to the last level I think and he was very proud of himself. Scary.

I wasn't happy with the photo but it was one of just two I took today.

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