Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


Henry has been really grizzly for the last few days despite nothing obvious being wrong. He wants to be held all the time, which would be fine of he was happy to sit on my knee and cuddle but he screams and shouts at me unless I'm walking around with him in my arms, jiggling and singing to him. It's doing wonders for my bingo wings!

I'm not sure if it's teething or a developmental thing. Apparently there is a fussy period now before the next developmental leap around 26 weeks, and that he's realising that I'm a separate person and can walk away - kind of separation anxiety I guess. I'm really glad I got the wonder weeks book, it's really useful to try and work out what is going on in his mind.

He is definitely teething as well - dribbling and frantically gumming on anything and everything - but he's been like that for a while now. His bottom gums look inflamed and you can see where the teeth are going to make their appearance do hopefully it won't take too long. I keep having a dream about his teeth coming through, but in the dream he has 4 adult top front teeth which are huge in his mouth and look ridiculous!

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