Moos views

By moosviews

Bookmarks for two

Apologies for the boring blip today but it was the only photo I took.

The day itself was lovely. T at a birthday party and sleepover so only 3 of us for most of the day. We all went to the cafe which was nice, although the coffee cake was a bit dry and tasteless (so much so I may have to make some myself). M took her new purse and bag so we called in a few shops so she could waste her money on tat, thankfully not too much of it.

Days are a lot easier with just one of them, despite being left with the one that NEVER stops talking. It also meant early bed so we were awake enough to try The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo DVD. Must admit although a good job I much prefer the book.

Even watching a film with subtitles I did manage quite a bit of knitting, so project 2 completed and project 3 started. Sounds good but was meant to have a lot of this knitted before Xmas.

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