Bench Test

Our favourite spot at Tyninghame Bay after the storms last week. A couple of substantial Scots Pine snapped and landed on the wavy bench. Kaboom. We heaved and heaved and put it back up - it's quite normal to see benches with memorials for people but this is our tribute to the actual bench. Maybe that's a first?

It wasn't very steady, so I kicked it over after this shot in case it caused an accident. Cheerio wavy bench.

Large Bench.

I was confident that the other wavy bench would still be there, since there's no trees near it to land on it, but when we got there it was an ex-bench as well. Cheerio wavy benches!

Pretty awesome demonstration. Saddens me though, because the spot above has been dear to me since I moved here 15 years ago. One winter there were huge waves that took several of the pines and it's been stable since. The bench was added and it's a nice place to stop - but now that these trees are down I think that's that. I can see the rest of them being felled for 'Elf and Safety.

Well, there's plenty more spots to grow fond of.

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