Big Land

We left Seattle this morning in a loaded little Suburu heading to Ketchum, Idaho for 4 weeks - the long grey dark Seattle days for these two ex-Idahoans said "enough"! This is a shot from an overview looking back towards Pendleton, through the lovely yellow grass and over the many fields. Years ago I drove between Boise and Portland through Pendleton more times than I can count as my very ill Mom was in a nursing home in Portland. I never drive up this pass without those years in my bones, my then very young daughter (my daughter who will marry a very dear man this summer) in the back seat with the plaintive toddler ? "when are we going to be home Mom?"

Anyway, we feel like we are free of the Seattle which sometimes feels too crowded and too dark and too dank. I will return refreshed and in good spirits and ready to have early spring in our lovely city and on its lakes and shoreline!

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