I wonder what he's thinking...

Another great MOnday off today. We decided to head for Beiling Park. It's a great place to get interesting pictures. Since the 2nd subway line opened on Saturday, we decided to use the new line. 2 yuan compared to 1 yuan for the bus and it was warm the whole way. We had to change from line 1 to line 2 but that was part of the fun. Now that two lines are open, it's going to be a very busy subway system. Especially since the second line also includes a stop at the large North Train station.

Anyways, the real motive for going was to get out together and we had a ball. We hired two umm.. dunno what you would call them but they are small wooden platforms with seats and runners (very crudely made) and you get two poles and you push yourself around on the ice. We came acropper a few times but had a ton of fun.

I took this picture of this young lad. He was skating on the ice in an area just beside where we were. His spiderman balaclava, his yellow sunglasses underneath and his expression, made for Terri's pick of the day.

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