Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

It's Moonday and it's back to work

Work went amazingly smooth today, just a pity it took so long to get back into town.
Still I did watch as my part of the world crept into shadow of the night, could see Venus and Jupiter and the moon too.
Just like my morning started with the almost "full" wolf (yaaaaroooooh) moon peeking through the clouds with Mars and Saturn in my southern sky.
Mars is really starting to brighten now and is getting redder and more fiery (even in a moon lit morning sky) as it approaches opposition in March.
By the time I got back into town it was clouding over and the sky looked rather ghostly with the moon lighting up the clouds, it has a beauty all of it's own which I wish I could capture with my camera.
Now that I've posted this I bet the sky will clear.
Hope that you all had a brilliant Moonday :-)

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