The high road

By Travellersjoy

Not So Green and Pleasant

I've been thinking a lot about rubbish lately. Yesterday looking out over the most stunning view I noticed three sacks of rubbish in the ditch (which I will go back and collect with the car). Its so mystifying to me that people can go to a beautiful place, spend time and then leave their rubbish behind them. Today at the high tide mark on the beach in Schull the seaweed was full of of plastic debris, the stream that runs into the sea was full of empty cans and this buggy. Many years ago I worked for An Taisce (Ireland's equivalent of the National Trust) monitoring pollution on three different beaches. We collected rubbish and then analysed it to find its origin ie. local, fishing debris, overseas waste or dumped from ocean liners etc. We found that 90% of the rubbish was local waste and debris from aquaculture and fishing!
So I'm sorry to show a different side of this green and pleasant land.

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