Birthday Treats

As it is my birthday today my children, FirehorseMia and aliveunwed took me to a patch of native forest, my idea of paradise. It is up near the mountains, but because of the low cloud there was no sign of them at all.

The bush (as we call our native forest) was enchanting. The gloomy summer has been very kind to it, so that everything is fresh and green. The main trees are black beech, Northofagus solandri. The trunks of these trees are covered with a black velvety fungus, under which scale insects live. The scale insects suck the sap and expel their waste as honey dew through fine tubes. The smell of the honey is truly delightful. It sweetens every breath. Bellbirds were singing their beautiful bell-like song.

When we were climbing a steep track at Glentui the other day I remarked that I thought I was ready for a stick. That gave my son an idea and he got to work. This morning he presented me with a fine walking stick that he had made. This was bush track tested and it passed with flying colours. Steep steps were easy and I didn't get sore knees. Slippery slopes were no problem, and branches across the path presented no obstacle.

When we came home my daughter made the most delicious Indian meal, with plenty left over for me to have it all over again another day.

All in all it has been a very enjoyable birthday, vastly better than last year!

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