
By danes96


Nope this is not about the 1995 Bradd Pitt movie Se7en. I decided that today's Project365 entry would be about my anniversary here at work.

It has been seven years since I first started out as a measly software engineer with a few years work experience that's entirely not related to IT. Time flew fast, so fast that I've acquired skills through trainings and work experiences from all sorts of computer applications I've handled. I've also obtained required industry certifications that give me niche on the market out there when it comes to software testing. There had been countless extended work hours that test anyone's determination and will to go and continue on.

As this may be the case, I'm glad of the seven years that I spent here. It's an experience that's filled with happiness, joy, tears, heartaches and disappointments. It's not an easy road but a rough and dusty one. However the case may be, I'm still wiling to move on and continue my journey.

What keeps me going? I have a simple answer to this. I get to work with two things: 1) the best people around the world that this industry has to offer and 2) i get to play with the up to date technology that's available out there.

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