
By Notebooker

Anthem of the mind

In order to gain some actual riches, I was invigilating some A Level exams today and I thought that the inscription on the Harris Library in Preston (shown here) 'The mental riches you may here acquire abide with you always' was quite appropriate.

Let's hope that those mental riches abide with you for the next 3 hours under exam conditions, eh?!

Seriously, I am not sure if I hold with such an acquisitionist view of learning - or the implied commodification of knowledge - but I will spare you a treatise on the subject...or at least I won't reproduce it here!

My song for the day is Rush's 'Anthem' from the 1975 'Fly by Night' album (the anthem of the mind!)... I used to listen to Rush a lot when I was younger. It's still a good song with some uncompromising guitar work - turn it up! - I did!

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