
By erinmaureen

taylor ham, egg, and cheese.

In case you were wondering...why yes, i do live in New Jersey, in case the taylor ham wasn't evidence enough.

As I do most saturday mornings I went to my grandparents house for breakfast. while we were there my aunt and cousin showed up....with two of my pups Maddie and Ruby! I was very excited to see them.

My aunt and cousin just got back from their trip to London and Paris and we got to see all of their fabulous pictures :)

After Grandie and Pa's we headed over to my Aunt Kathie's where i got to see my other two pups Tucker and Jake.

All four of my puppies in one day!

Today was kind of a stressful day, really not as i pictured it going. But the past is now officially the past and that's all that matters.

Meghan and I are now completely and totally done with her room and it looks SO great.

I told my mom I'm going to drop out of college and become a professional painter. She wasn't too fond of that idea.

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