A wee bit of this & that

By frayedattheedge

365 blips & it only took me...how long?

I know it's a blip cliche but I can't believe I've finally reached my first blipversary! It's only taken me a year and the rest but searching for blips has become a bit of an obsession. Boring days become annoying "I've nothing to blip" days but luckily they are becoming fewer. Well I do have a willing victim in the shape of my cat.

Thank you for all your comments and for popping in to have a wee nosy at my journal. Personally I'm surprised anyone looks at it but I do appreciate it. I don't always comment on your blips but rest assured I do snoop love looking at them. A whoop has also to go to the boffins at Blip Central who have been strict (no borders allowed young lady!!!) but have also helped when things have gone wrong.

Blip is a wonderful way to capture the minutia of life as well as the big events and I love being able to look back and remember days I'd easily have forgotten. I've enjoyed sharing in your life events and getting a virtual tour of your part of the world. Wonder what 2012 will hold for all of us?

This year I hope to hone my iPhone camera skills and capture more interesting blips exploiting this powerful machine and it's basic camera but interesting apps.

Love to all of you and thanks again.

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