
By patrona

January, book of the month.

From time to time it is interesting to pick a book, on a subject or a genre or a time and place that doesn't immediately appear to have any resonance.

Such was the Silent Weaver, I can't recall where I read about it , I can't remember what attracted me, but I bought it on Amazon before Christmas and it turned up in my"to read" pile , three or four days ago.

If you have ever been to the Western Isles, it is so evocative, if you haven't you will want to go from reading this, if for no other reason. If you love Scotland and the places that are less well known, you will revel in this. If you are interested in war, and the history of eccentrics you will be entranced. If you are a military historian then the Lovat Scouts will demand your attention.

But above all it is a story of tragedy on a personal level and a celebration of how the tortured mind turns to creativity, at times of extreme stress something is triggered that reaches both forward and backward and manifests in personal experiences.

Read and enjoy, I did, and weep a little for the waste and anguish of war, and the devastation it brings to us.

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