
By angelicbrianne

Cure to funk

I've been in some kind of a funk and I couldn't escape. People ask what the matter is and I wish I had an answer. I took a trip down a winding road, a road with such beauty surrounding the pavement, that road meant I'd be finding you. Except it would not be me finding you since you were never lost in the first place. Why do you never see my face anymore? I ask myself that same question. You are the one that points the rays from the sun onto my heart and make my days bright.

Today I woke up feeling you pump blood through my body. Your love runs through my veins, your happiness lives through me, your ability to make any situation have a positive outcome has become one that I have learned greatly from, and most of all... You are living in my heart.

My heart beats fast...you are reminding me to slow it down and take better care of myself.
When my heart beats slow... You are telling me to do something that makes me happy and content.
When my heart won't choose a pace... You are putting the answer in my own hands.
When it's just right... You're loving every moment of my life and your living it with me.

A friend helped me realize today that there is reason why I can't frown. You were the happiest person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and loving. I never saw you very sad or very angry... Just loving! Silly! And HAPPY! Since I know you're living through me...you have completely stolen that facial expression from me. Since I know you never wanted to see me sad or hurt, you took that ability from me. And that just absolutely amazes me.

Today I realized that you are the one person I love more than anyone else on earth! I love you more than anything I could imagine. It makes me sound crazy that I love someone who isn't here over everyone else who is... But you are here. I feel you hold me when I'm sleepy, I feel you grab my hand still when I cross the streets, I feel your lap when I'm driving, I feel your kiss on my forehead when I start to fall asleep, I feel your bear hugs when I'm feeling sad, I feel shoulders when my legs are tired. You continue to carry me through life as if I were still 5years old. You made my crazy life easy. Somedays i don't know how I make it by... But that's when I forget you're right by my side, you're above watching, youre on foot carrying me, you're on my shoulder reminding me, you're in the air giving me oxygen, and you're in my heart keeping me loving.

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