sort algorithm

Fortunately, today's task was merely to tidy up all the tools and things currently cluttering the alleged dinner-table in the purported dining-room. If it had been to get all the tools into the toolbox it would have been much trickier. I already had one stackycrate containing most bicycle-related hardware and another containing components with a few more stackyboxes here and there each containing a few tools appropriate to various different jobs. One stackycrate now contains most of the hand tools except those which might be considered bicycle-specific (excluding those which I carry around with me most of the time) which are in an ice-cream tub inside a larger box containing most spare small bicycle-components. Large bicycle-components (pedals, saddles and a seat pin) are in the blue net bag and can go in one of the garden-cupboard-shed things. Anything which its own box is mostly in its own box (the mostly-depleted set of drill bits, the recently-bought cheap and not very good set of drill bits, the new and better drill bits, the tap wrench set, the compartmented box of bike bolts, the two compartmented boxes of screws & assoc. fixing-hardware and the three other little boxes of lesser bolts and picture hooks and the Lidl bike toolkit (minus the chain splitter, which has taken over from the worn-out chain splitter on my multi-tool in my take-everywhere toolset)) and everything which was in the metal expanding toolbox at the start of the day is still in there, untouched and unsorted. Now that everything else has been processed I can assess what might fit in there and shift things about.

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