Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

Steal my sunshine

Sun has been shining today. It's been fairly warm. Sadly this is the best i could come up with for a sunset. Im with my little boy today and he slept through the sunset so i couldn't leave the house. So i shot this out the window.

Im pretty impressed with myslef still holding on to the insanity, that is the 30 day challenge.

In other news the photo comp is starting at work. I can enter as many photo's as i want, taken whenever i want, of what ever i want. The only rule is you must pay 1 great british pound per entry. The winner will get their photo displayed outside the Governors office for a whole year. The boss dislikes me to say the least and treats me like a c**t at every opportunity. You see this is why i don't just want to win...i have to win. I'd love it if he had to walk past a picture i had no only taken but won a competition with.

Talking of competions, i set a little comp up on this blip yesterday for those of you who mised it. LOOK HERE

Bit of len anyone?

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