is photographs

By isphotographs

invincible summer

"In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me lay an invincible summer"

The morning presented a couple of empty hours, and with another busy spell approaching, and clear winter skies, I didn't have to think twice about slipping out for an hour or two, just me, the bike... and the camera. Cycling - sluggish. Everything else - good.

Just took the smallest of cameras, as a sketchbook, inevitably this meant interminable stop-starting, and it took a good while longer than it should to track some familiar paths - but really, who was there to bother except myself. Time spent alone outdoors is never time wasted... looking, thinking, clearing the mind-debris... seeing everything new; noticing even just the light. As thoughts turned over, all the while, in my head, Camus' most delightful, bitter-sweet sad/beautiful words, which I was unable and unwilling to shake off all day.

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