New plant

When people in the UK ask my Mum '

does you daughter work in Spain' her answer is

'no she is retired'

'what does she find to do to fill her time'

Well, there usually aren't enough hours in the day , today, up early, 2 hours at the gym, then met with our President (Glynis), off to the garden centre to look for plants etc for the community gardens, and I bought 2 new ones for my garden. Trip to the post office, bank and bakery, home, made a pan of veg soup for lunch. Planted the new plants. then off to Elche to Decathlon looking for new gym kit and trainers, Carrefour shopping for tea. Home, made a big pan of chilli with rice, then strawberries and cream for afters.

Doing this blip, then it will be coffee and watch a bit of tv, bed early, as it is golf tomorrow, up at 7am out for 7.30am.

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