With One Eye Wide Open


Blip Challenge #27 / 30 !!!

No, I have no idea what this structure is
or what it is for or what it's called.
All I know today aside from my name is Christine is that .........
it's FRIDAY!!!!

And there's nothing else I need to know aside from that!

Bring on the weekend!!!!!

Hope you all have a great day and a lovely weekend ahead!

PS. This is what I found out about this structure after doing a bit of research.

It is known as the Newstead No.2 Gas Holder. The iconic No. 2 Gasometer was built in 1873, initially at Petrie Bight before being moved to its current location. Before the end of the 19th century it was supplying gas to Brisbane streets from Hamilton to Toowong. Gasworks will be reignited into one of Brisbane's most vibrant mixed used communities with the iconic Gasometer as the centre point of activity.

The remnants of the gasholder and guide framing represents the last of the frame-guided type remaining in Brisbane, and possibly in Queensland. The Newstead No.2 gasholder (remnants) and guide framing, constructed in 1873 from puddled iron and part of the former Petrie Bight gasworks (1865-1887), is significant for its rarity, its robustness and its association with Queensland's first gasworks and a major public utility for 125 years

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