Elementary, my dear Watson*

While nipping back across town to catch a flight back home, I happened to pass this cafe and the famousish, but not in full stage make-up, door next to it. Thanks to Robbie for another good tip-off.

I just don't know if I can trust the Big British Castle again, it's not even on the right street. But if you can get over that, you can rent your own little piece of the story** and live out all the drama and mystery...from the comfort of a flat that is clearly not the internal set that the show was shot on. I'm sure it is a lovely Spacious One Double Bedroom Apartment that also happens to be Fantastically positioned for the West End, Kings Cross and Central London. Happy renting.

* A fallacy, given that this is never said by Holmes in any book.
** Look down the page for North Gower St

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