Seismic Blips

By Seismicshed

Toytown is open for business

It's been slowly rising over the previous few months, but this delightless new estate of rabbit hutch sized homes, insufficient parking and gardens where you'd struggle to get a cat to do a three point turn is slowly filling with inhabitants, some of which are new to the area, poor sods, and some of which are moving from older ex-council style areas.

Why do I care, I hear you ask... why are you blipping this shite, I hear even louder. Well, its for one simple reason really. Until 18 months ago the piece of land that now hold these cardboard cutout houses was a cricket pitch. Our local cricket pitch, to be precise.

Now, I'm sure the cricket club made a pretty penny out of selling up to the developers - they have a nice new facility about a mile and half from town that, sadly, has practically no access but via car, unless you fancied walking down a few unlit country lanes without pavements. Because of this I feel robbed of something that I used to enjoy sometimes during the balmier months - the chance to have a walk down to watch a bit of cricket, have a couple of pleasant pints whilst doing so and walk home again safe in the knowledge that I had done my bit to preserve a small part of an old fashioned way of life.

No more. Just another toytown estate with about 50% more houses on it than space would comfortably permit. Nobbers.

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