Life through the lens...

By ValC

In to the blue.

Wonderful blue sky all day, even if a bit colder. For me a perfect winter's day.

Every time I looked up there were planes everywhere.
This one was very high up, but I zoomed in with my little camera, and then enlarged again and was really pleased how clear the plane had come out.

Tomorrow I am going on a photography course (beginners!)with my daughter-in-law and granddaughter. (both blippers, and the people who got me into Blip!)
It is being held at our local Country Park, and involves taking photos around the park.
Other things include .......
Moving away from "Auto" and what to do with all those buttons and settings mean.
How to select key features on your camera.
Composing Photographs
Demonstration of editing software....Picassa and Irfanview

At the end we are having a slide show of all the images of the day!

I am really looking forward to it.
Hope to improve my Blip photos!! with a bit of luck!

Have a great weekend everyone.

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