Melanie Philpott

By melaniephilpott

Woo woo woo! (That's the Siren Wine)

So I don't know a thing about wine. Except I don't much like Rioja - even though I slept in a broken down Winnebago in Rioja itself one random September having dashed off to save the then-boyfriend from loneliness (a phone call from Spain saying "I'm really lonely" inspired me to be dead romantic and book a flight over the next day). I kind of feel like I should adore Rioja because we have that weird connection. I'll never forget the old ladies peering out of the nursing home opposite wondering what the crazy couple with the English reg were doing on the side of the road. But anyways, I was mooching around Coop and didn't want to look too cheap by eyeing up only the lower cost wines. Ehem. So I picked up a few middle-of-the-range bottles just for effect. Even I find this behaviour a bit odd. So anyways, effort made I headed towards the £5-ish bottles. I ended up looking at this wine and saw the magic words "plum" and "cherry". Splendid. I turned it round and it was called "The Siren" with an image of some Doris holding up her dress and leaning on an anchor. "Well hey she looks like a laugh, this wine is meant for me". Though at this time I didn't really understand exactly what a Siren was (apart from the woo woo woo variety). I bought it home, cracked it open (well, unscrewed it anyway) and it's rather lovely. Then I noticed the back blurp shown in the image.

I think this is my new favourite wine.

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